STEVEN IVY P.C. offers personalized legal services to both individuals and families. The firm assists clients with various contract issues, purchase, sale and construction of their own homes. We help clients deal with easements and real estate boundary disputes. We provide legal support for those leasing various properties, including homes, apartments, condominium, and small offices >>>>
We offer comprehensive legal services to small businesses and its owners. STEVEN IVY P.C. offers all inclusive legal services addressing all aspects of business, employment, contract, real estate, patent, trademark, copyright, mediation and arbitration law. We take on cases of various complexities. Our legal practice is flexible and efficient, custom designed to accommodate cost -conscious businesses >>>>
The firm offers its business and real estate legal services to various not-for profit organizations, including counties, municipalities, school districts, park districts, fire districts, library districts, special districts, police districts, not-for-profit businesses and organizations, airports, public housing organizations, private foundations, public charities, trade associations and professional societies >>>>
STEVEN IVY P.C. offers specialized legal services, and general counsel for small, medium and large corporations. The firm's specialized legal services include business mergers, acquisitions, government regulations, joint ventures, commercial real estate, employment, intellectual property protection, ADR,
litigation, contracts, capital formation, import, export, business immigration and receivership >>>>